Friday, May 5, 2017

Teenage Girl Raped by 4 Men after she lostDirections on a Night Out in Ramsgate, Kent

A lost 16-year-old girl was repeatedly raped by a kebab shop owner and three others in a flat above 555 Pizza in Ramsgate, Kent, after she asked them for directions, a court heard.

The drunk teenager girl stopped by Kebab house, and asked for directions, when guys there found her vulnerable and drunk they took advantage of her and led her to a filthy room, where she was pushed onto a mattress and forced upon by the group of laughing men.

The teenage girl was attacked after she headed home from a night out with friends and stopped off at the late-night restaurant to find her way home.

Prosecutor Simon Taylor said: 'The girl was undoubtedly drunk and was walking the streets alone late at night. He said: 'And it was these factors that they took advantage of in the couple of hours that followed.'

Restaurant owner Tamin Rahani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20, Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and a teenager who cannot be named for legal reasons, all deny three charges of rape.

The girl was taken to Rahani's flat above the restaurant and added: 'Once there she was raped by men on multiple occasions. The teenager had drunk alcohol which was the equivalent of being twice over the drink-drive limit.

After they raped her, she was 'escorted' out of the property by one of the men 'and left to roam the streets alone'.

The girl was found 'sobbing and distressed' by a woman returning home and taken into her home for safety.

The trial continues.

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