Friday, November 2, 2018

Abdul Hasan, 27, 'Ashamed of Size' Wants Length and Girth Increase to Make Girlfriend Happy

Abdul Hasan, 27, who had a filler earlier is again within the NHS's normal range for length and girth, but says he still feels "a bit ashamed" when comparing himself to other men at the gym.

Abdul Hasan had a filler injection as a surprise gift for his girlfriend has explained why he wants the procedure – for the second time.

He has been with her for eight years, but says it still plays on his mind whether he can please her sexually.

Last time he had a filler she was "100%" surprised, he tells the Victoria Derbyshire programme.

"I thought, 'One more can't hurt'.

"It makes me happy for some reason," he adds.

Abdul Hasan told the first filler, made him feel much more comfortable. "I had it done, and my confidence built back up. You've got nothing to hide any more," he said.

Filler is a liquid - usually hyaluronic acid - which is injected into the soft tissue under the skin of the shaft. It is designed to increase a man's girth are becoming increasingly popular, despite warnings of botched DIY injections.

It is a non-surgical procedure which is conducted at a specialist clinic costing around £3,000 a time.

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