Tuesday, December 11, 2018

British Pakistani Sajid Javid in Race to Replace UK PM Theresa May if She Topples

British Prime Minister Theresa May badly weakened by her decision to delay a key Brexit vote she would have lost, potential leadership contenders for the Conservative Party are waiting to pounce.

If she falls, any Conservative MP elected by the party as leader would automatically become prime minister.

If a vote of no confidence topples the prime minister, there is no shortage of candidates who may be quietly organising their bids to be her replacement:

British Pakistani Sajid Javid is among the top contenders eyeing for 10 Downing Street.

Javid voted for Britain to stay in the European Union in 2016 but has since backed the Brexit cause.

Here are the main names mooted by the British media to replace Theresa May.

- Boris Johnson -

- Sajid Javid -

- Amber Rudd -

- Michael Gove -

- Dominic Raab -

- Jeremy Hunt -

Sajid Javid former investment banker and the son of a Pakistani bus driver, the 49-year-old Javid is the face of a modern, multi-cultural and meritocratic Britain.

On the economically liberal wing of the Conservative Party, Javid voted for Britain to stay in the European Union in 2016 but has since backed the Brexit cause.

Since being appointed interior minister in April, he has earned respect for his handling of a scandal over the treatment of the children of Caribbean immigrants known as the Windrush generation.

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