Friday, December 14, 2018

Police Officer Kabeer Yousaf, Blackmailed Brothel Girls, Joined Queen’s Hospital without telling Convictions

Disgraced police officer who was jailed for blackmailing 'Call Girls'  worked at Queen’s Hospital for a year after getting out of prison without disclosing criminal convictions. 

Kabeer Yousaf was jailed for six years at Snaresbrook Crown Court on February 24, 2015 after being found guilty of two counts of blackmail, conspiracy to commit misconduct in a judicial or public office and committing misconduct in a judicial or public office.

Yousaf was still a member of the Metropolitan Police’s Green Street Safer Neighbourhoods Team in Newham back in 2012, when he arranged to MEET with a woman at a brothel before later demanding £2,000 from her.

He also blackmailed a woman who ran another brothel, who agreed to pay him £500 a fortnight to stop it being shut down.

In 2017, after being released from prison on licence, Yousaf was able to gain employment at Queen’s Hospital in Rom Valley Way but failed to disclose his conviction to his employer.

He worked in a retail role and a role he can contact with vulnerable patients. Later in July 2018 year he was promoted to become a porter supervisor, a role where he came into contact with patients, and so should have undergone a mandatory DBS check.

Queen’s Hospital employees contacted the Recorder claiming they had discovered Yousaf’s criminal past and no longer felt safe working with him.

It is important to note that no evidence has been produced to suggest Yousaf ever assaulted or intimidated patients or staff while working at the hospital. 

Yousaf was placed on restricted duties, and has now resigned from his post at the hospital.

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