Sunday, November 4, 2018

Jemima denounces ‘Naya Pakistan’ for succumbing to demands of Khadim Rizvi

Jemima Goldsmith, former wife of Prime Minister Imran Khan, has said that Pakistan’s government caved in to extremist demands to bar Asia Bibi from leaving the country.

Jemima took to Twitter saying, “Not the Naya Pakistan we’d hoped for. 3 days after a defiant & brave speech defending the judiciary, Pakistan’s gov caves in to extremist demands to bar #AsiaBibi from leaving Pak, after she was acquitted of blasphemy- effectively signing her death warrant.”

She went on to say, “Still hoping there’s some plan afoot which we don’t know about.”

Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) wound up sit-ins and protest after reaching an agreement with the government on the matter of Asia Bibi blasphemy case.

The government and protesters' leaders reached an agreement to end  three days sit-ins across the country.

As per the five-point agreement:

1. a prompt action will be taken to place Asia Bibi's name on Exit Control List,
2. a review petition, which is the right the complainant, will be filed against her acquittal and the government will not oppose it,
3. the protesters who were arrested on October 30 and later on will be released soon.
4. Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan will apologize to those whose sentiments have been unnecessarily hurt during the protests.
5. Legal action will be taken for the protesters, if killed following acquittal of Asia Bibi. 

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