Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas Tree Placed Inside A Mosque in London, People Feeling Strange!

The following photo which appears to show a Christmas tree in a masjid is being circulated on social media:

People are confused and wondering why someone has decided to put a Christmas tree in the masjid:

Many people on social media are talking about it.

One said,
Is that a Christmas tree in the masjid? I’m confused

another said,
Christmas tree in a masjid

This is a pic of a multicultural and multi-faith community centre that was hired for Friday prayers because the Muslims in the area don't have access to a masjid. Not sure why there's a huge outcry about this, it's quite pathetic.

Sad to see that people draw conclusion just by looking at the pictures without giving it a logical explanation.

There are many points in the picture which shows that it is not a mosque, you can see the stage in front and the spotlights for stage and the carpet.

It is very obvious that this is not a masjid. This is a Hall. Look at the stage! For those who live in the West it is easier for them to understand this where it is very common a Hall used for variety reason for variety communities

A lesson we can learn from this incident that we should not spread false things without verifying it or without listening to the reasoning of any act. Sadly many of the Muslims criticised this act, without even knowing that this place is not even a mosque. Verify before you spread something on social media.

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