Monday, December 10, 2018

Malaysian PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad says, is okay to take U-turns, Same Opinion as PM Imran Khan

Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad says, It is okay for leaders to backtrack from their initial promises because even angels make mistakes some times, says the Prime Minister amidst criticisms over several “u-turns” in government policies lately.

This came in a few weeks after the Pakistani premier said that U-turns are the “hallmark of great leadership”.

Similarly, Malaysian PM Mahathir has said, “It is okay for leaders to backtrack from their initial promises because even angels make mistakes sometimes.”

It was further stated that amidst criticism over several U-turns taken by Mahathir himself in his government policies, he said that “leaders are not perfect people”.

“Sometimes, we go the wrong way, we turn around but only if necessary. We are not perfect people,” he further said.

“Although most of us are angels, angels make mistakes. So, when angels make mistakes, they turn around,” he added.

Mahathir was responding to the public’s reaction to several backtracks made by the Malaysian government, one of which is the suspension of the National Higher Education Fund Corporation loan installment scheme that was supposed to take effect on January 1.

His statement was heavily criticised by members of the opposition, and defended by his party members.

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