Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Amina Bhatti Offered £3K to Woman who Accused her Husband Kamran of Rape, to Drop Case

Kamram Nazir, 33, of Levenshulme, Manchester was accused by a 31 years old woman of rape and attack after they met at a nightclub in the city in July 2015.

 A taxi driver was called to Nazir's home and picked up Nazir and and the woman. When Nazir got out to withdraw money from a cash machine, she told the driver she had 'no idea how she had got there' and 'I don't know how this has happened. When she woke up she found Nazir at top of her Assaulting her.'

When Nazir was arrested, he told police that every thing had been consensual between him and the alleged victim woman.

Mother of 3, Amina Bhatti, 36, who was pregnant with their first child together, then lived in Bradford, was informed that her husband was was held for fighting in a nightclub.

Later, after searching his phone and calling the woman, she came to knew about the rape case.

Amina Bhatti met the alleged victim at Bradford Royal Infirmary and offered her £3,000, if she dropped the allegations against her husband, which alleged victim woman agreed.

Both meet up again, in Bradford city centre, where Bhatti handed over £1,000 to her and said rest will be paid after case is dropped.

The woman told Bhatti that she was homeless and needed money to get to London to see her family and that to formally retract her statement the woman had to go to Manchester to meet with police.

Bhatti went with her and made a recording of the journey on her phone, in which they can be hear to be 'chatting' and singing along to music.

After seeing a letter confirming her retraction, Bhatti gave her another £500 and said she has no more money.

Woman got angry and demanded rest of money. When she was interviewed again by police she told, she had been 'threatened' by Nazir and Bhatti.

Amina Bhatti was arrested and police seized the phone of trio, which led to charges of conspiring to pervert the course of justice being brought against the trio.

Court found, the wife trying to protect her husband, the plan that was doomed to fail, and the elements of lust and greed.

The rape inquiry against Nazir was subsequently dropped. They all plead guilty of perverting the course of justice before any trial.

Kamran Nazir received a 14 month jail term, suspended for 18 months and he must carry out 120 hours of unpaid work.

Amina Bhatti, was given a 10-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months and must also do the 30 days rehabilitation activity requirement.

Alleged rape victim woman was given a 20 month jail term, suspended for two years, and she must carry 30 days of rehabilitation with the probation service.

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